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Ali Vasallo, CITyFiED: It is essential to define a robust monitoring protocol and provide a reliable set of KPIs

We did a brief interview with Ali Vasallo, Project coordinator of CITyFiED, who highlighted the key learnings from their experience with technical monitoring and KPIs definition.

Dr. Ali Vasallo graduated from the University of Valladolid in 2004 with a First Class Honours degree in Industrial Engineering with the specialization in Theory of Structures and Industrial Buildings. He completed his PhD Thesis in 2009 in the field of vortex-induced vibrations of slender structures.

He currently works as Project Coordinator and Researcher at the Energy Division in the CARTIF Technology Center in European research and demonstration projects in the field of smart cities, energy-efficient renovations of urban areas, nearly zero energy buildings and renewable energy integration. He has been involved in the coordination teams of the EU-FP7 funded Smart City project R2CITIES project. He currently coordinates of the EU-FP7 funded Smart City project CITyFiED. He previously worked at the Mechanical Division in the CARTIF Technology Center as Project Manager and Researcher in the field of dynamics of slender structures, vortex induced vibrations and computational fluid dynamics.

Together with his activities at CARTIF Technology Center, he works in the School of Industrial Engineering, University of Valladolid (Spain), as Associate Professor in the field of mechanics of continuous media and the theory of structures. He was appointed a Visiting Fellow at the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick (2011).

Read the interview here


3 November 2016