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What’s new on the social web?

Using the social web to raise awareness and increase the projects sphere of influence is a powerful asset in achieving replication.   

Since its launch in August 2014 CITyFiED Twitter account @cityfied_eu has brought the latest news and developments of the project to a wide range of stakeholders and audiences. 

So far, the high-activity of our account within the Twitter sphere has allowed for live interactions with other EU-smart city projects and important stakeholders (the EU-institutions, Covenant of Mayors, Energy Cities, Eurocities, Climate Alliance, ICLEI and individual personalities on the energy field). The content displayed on @cityfied_eu receives notable contributions from these actors.

The recent announcements of our interviews with the new members of our Community of Interest, San Sebastián, Värmdö and Tartu represent a good example of this interaction with multilevel stakeholders both in English and local languages.

In February 2015, a new “City Smart Space” was launched on the project website. This section provides valuable and exclusive content for our city members. Registration is needed to access this space and we invite those who have not registered yet to sign up to be able to navigate the new content displayed. Some of the benefits for the cities brought by the space include privileged knowledge and learning opportunities from each of our cities, as well as access to information from our partners for future EU projects and communication materials for the project.

CITyFiED is also present in other social media, like Facebook and LinkedIn. CITyFiED´s private group on LinkedIn is beginning and will be fully deployed soon. We invite all our project members to join our LinkedIn group and we kindly remind you to contribute to the dissemination of its our social media content with your colleagues, friends and surroundings.