Palencia has a population of over 82,100 inhabitants, is 235 kilometers far from Madrid and 47 from Valladolid, which means we are in an important crossroad and perfect location for national and international logistics.
Palencia is ranked as the city with the largest green zones of Spain per capita and is one of the largest in Europe. This fact is largely made possible by a jewel of nature such as the “Old Mount”, which is part of the municipality, just a few five kilometers from our Mayor Square, the very heart of the city, and that consists of more than 1,400 Has of oaks. But we must also take into account the large parks such as the Bishop's Orchards, the Sotillo, the Two Waters Island, the South Shore Park, Station Little Gardens the Guadián Orchard Park or Elizabeth the Second Park, among others, to raise the figure to 1,500 Has.
In this sense also helps the establishment, over recent years, of an historic pedestrian center, around our Main Street, you can find civil and religious buildings landmarks such as the Cathedral where the crypt of St. Antolin, our Patron Saint, the Church of San Miguel, the Virgen de la Calle, home to our patrona, the Convent of San Francisco, San Pablo, the Claras Monastery, our own Town Hall, the Palace of the Provincial Deputation, Principal Theatre or the Market, which can be visited without using any motor vehicle.
Precisely, car use in Palencia is not an urgent need in the daily life of most of its inhabitants, contrary to what happens in other large cities, you can reach all sites using public transport, biking or just walking, a fact that undoubtedly helps very significantly to increasing air quality and reducing noise pollution.
With all these characteristics, you can understand why we are proud of our high quality of life, and also why we consider it one of our greatest assets and differentiators, as reflected in last year achieving the Sustainable City Award given by Environmental Forum Foundation.
The Government team believes in an agile and effective, close to the citizen, sustainable and innovative management. Management based on infrastructures, smart and permanent interaction with citizenship services.
Electric Mobility
Precisely from this emerges our commitment to enter into a Smart City project, in which we collaborate with our neighbor city, Valladolid, which began with the IMPLEMENTATION OF ELECTRIC MOBILITY as the main focus.
The Department of Environment of the City Council of Palencia has installed a dozen of electric vehicle recharging posts, and has assumed the commitments that make Palencia a sustainable city: development the Local Agenda 21, the mobility Plan, the Covenant Mayor.
Energetic Plan
The Government Team of Palencia knows the importance of energy saving and it is making a great effort in different ways with the help of Energetic Services Companies (ESCO) in the public lighting and in the sport buildings (as swimming pools, Sports pavilion).
In other type of buildings it is writing a Public buildings energy efficiency Plan, in order to reduce energy consumption, promote renewable energy, and promote sustainable waste management.
Technological Innovation Plan
One of the priorities for the Government Team, collected in his Technological Innovation Plan, is to renew the communications infrastructure based on optic fiber, to renew of personal computers, servers and to deploy a modern Wi-Fi network.
Another such future strategic node for Palencia, obviously very ambitious, is the achievement of a Technological Park, specialize to be competitive, in sectors such as food, basic to our provincial economy, and automotive, being in permanent contact with the University.
This should provide us with a more effective, accessible and useful administration, with the simplification of administrative procedures, creating new channels of citizen services, implementing e-Government, which will help to reduce administrative burdens on the local level.
Urban Plan
Another of our key commitments is the economic and social regeneration of the more damaged areas, with rehabilitation projects funded through the Urban Plan 2007-2013. By these means, In Palencia there have been undertaken significant actions in the neighborhoods of Hail Mary and The Christ, with investments exceeding 11 million euros.
Childhood Friendly
We also want to make our city a Family Responsible Township for completing the declaration of a Childhood Friendly City that UNICEF gave us in 2006 and we renewed last year.
Linguistics Tourism
Also, continuing the line of governance, our project includes Linguistics tourism, which has all the potential needed to attract Spanish as a foreign language Learners.
Cultural Heritage
Among these features deserve special attention the richness of our heritage, be it cultural, architectural, and why not say, also the gastronomic culture that causes the arrival of more visitors between the followers of good food. At this point it is appropriate to highlight the initiative of Santa Mariah la Real Foundation, included in the Smart City project, for the development of its software application and running for real-time monitoring of the state of monuments and infrastructure.
First University
Another important element to consider in this area is the celebration of the eighth centenary of the establishment in Palencia the First Spanish University. This event took place in 1212 and we are commemorating this year.