Since 2006, municipality’s political administration has been concerned with energy efficiency. In this sense, and betting on the citizens’ behaviours change, focus has been not only in reducing costs but also to reduce CO2 emissions. This way of action increases the success probabilities of energy efficiency measures that are being put in place. In 2008, Agueda signed the Covenant of Mayors committing to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 20% in the next years, also signed the Aalborg Commitments and developed its Local Agenda 21, which discussion process and results were highly participated, creating a strong community involvement and gathered students, citizens, institutions, local companies and the Municipality staff, making it been awarded by the Portuguese Environment Agency as a good-practices case. Later on, October 2014, and under the context of the Convenant of Mayors, Águeda signed the Mayors Adapt, which will allow subscriber’s Mayors take advantage of an information exchange platform in fighting global climate change, cooperation and awareness on adaptation to the new climate realities and the resulting consequences of climate change.
The Municipality of Águeda, through the Energy Cities, is part of a project called Infinite Solutions (Innovative Financing for Sustainable Local Energy Solutions) supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe program. In the case of Águeda, it’s aimed to implement a fund based on the Intracting model of Stuttgart, which is developed and managed by the municipality itself and is based on the idea of energy performance contracting (EPC) within the administration itself, involving the whole universe of buildings and facilities owned by the municipality. The model is a combination of revolving fund and the provision of energy services (ESCO). The cooperation is established between two different organizational units in the same city administration. The financial savings achieved through energy efficiency measures return to the bottom, refinancing it, which has a specific entry in the plan and budget of the city. This in turn is used to finance new measures. The Intracting model works in the city of Stuttgart since 1995.
Also, one of the core goals of the current Executive is to transform its City Hall building in an “energy by zero” building. On other actions to achieve a better energy efficiency, there were already began some public interventions, such as the partial implementation of a public LED’s lighting network centralized management (lighting flow, presence detection, etc.), as well as in public buildings lighting and with the rationalization of internal water consumption.
Águeda has plenty of companies working on metalworking for a long time, but in recent years, several companies have emerged on ICT technology, electronics and LEDs lighting fields. These companies have been developing products in straight partnership with the Municipality that has been acting as a pre-commercial public procurer.
Ms. Marlene Marques - Chief of Division
Division of Administrative Modernization, Quality, Audit and Finance/partnerships
Phone: +351234610071
Fax: +351234610078