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A smarter, faster route to the future

Are you representing a town, city or municipality looking to navigate the complex systems of Smart Cities and find the most efficient route to achieving near zero energy districts?

Join the CITyFiED Community of Interest now!

You will benefit from:

  • Direct access to replicable solutions for energy efficiency based on large-scale demonstration sites
  • Hands on understanding of business models, partnerships and frameworks needed to transform urban areas into nearly zero-energy districts
  • Benchmarking, networking and exchange of experience with high-level Smart City stakeholder community of over 50 cities
  • Planning tools and insight for your energy-efficient retrofitting of buildings
  • Technical study tours/workshops/webinars providing models for replication
  • Enhanced visibility at EU/national/regional/local level as part of project dissemination activities
  • A reserved “CITy Smart” space to share best practices and post news about your city with peers
  • A dedicated focus in project and local Newsletters (targeting an EU audience)
  • References in articles & interviews, press and news releases globally distributed

For further details or to join the CITyFiED Community of Interest, contact

Ms. Veronica Meneghello

CITyFiED Secretariat