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Questions to Euken Sesé, General Manager of Fomento San Sebastian

Why did San Sebastian choose to participate in the CITyFiED project, and how does it fit in with your energy and environment strategy?

San Sebastian is actively working in renewable energy projects and smart city activities across the city, developing our energy and smart city plans. San Sebastian chose to participate in the CITyFiED project to be able to learn new experiences and successful developments in refurbishment and district heating management systems and business models.

What smart city measure or energy solution would you like to share with the CITyFiED community?

In the framework of the STEEP Project, San Sebastian is developing an energy master plan using the ‘Systems Thinking for Efficient Energy Planning’ methodology, taking into account all the key actors in the value chain of the energy and environmental sectors. This methodology can be very helpful to develop a Smart City or energy master plan and we are happy to share our experiences.

Name a challenge you think fellow cities and project consortium members could help you overcome…

We are interested to learn and exchange more in the fields of business models and management systems of district heating installations.

San Sebastien's most ambitious energy efficiency target?

San Sebastian is working within the Covenant of Mayors and the ambitious energy efficiency targets set by the “20-20-20” program - 20% reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels; raising the share of EU energy consumption produced from renewable resources to 20%; and a 20% improvement in energy efficiency across the EU.

10 March 2015