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Business and cooperation models for energy retrofitting – Take the survey!

CITyFiED is collecting information from experts working on the field of Energy Efficient Building Renovation

The aim of the questionnaire is to understand the macro-environmental factors that influence the renovation of buildings across Europe and collecting solutions demanded, successful experiences and lessons learned from past projects, mainly related to business issues. To reach this goal, the opinion of the whole chain of participants in energy retrofitting interventions is needed.

Three different questionnaires have been developed for a selected group of stakeholders. Please, fill in the questionnaire that fits with your profile, it will take less than 15 minutes:

Questionnaire 1: Energy service companies and building companies:

Questionnaire 2: Project coordinators or partners in funded projects:

Questionaire 3: Entities familiar with Energy Efficient Building Renovation (e.g. Municipalities, Designers, Contractors, Financers, Energy agencies, residents, etc):


Your contribution is relevant for our study. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

The CITyFiED Team

For further information, please contact Ana Quijano Pedrosa, CARTIF,