On the 21st of March 2019 CITyFiED held its last webinar aimed at exploring the project’s final results and retracing the steps which led to its replication plan. We went through our energy efficiency results, CITyFiED replication potential, business models & success stories from our Smart Cities.
Download the presentation or watch the recording of the webinar on YouTube.
Agenda & Speakers:
The demonstrators - Ali Vasallo Belver - CITyFiED coordinator, Fundaciòn Cartif
An overview on the results achieved in each CITyFiED district and the final info packs released by the project and downloadable from the website.
Steps to CITyFiED replication – Jeanette Green, IVL
How other cities can benefit from CITyFiED replication plan: steps done, key insights and lessons learned.
Solution packages towards market implementation - Dilay Kesten Erhart, Steinbeis 2i
Presentation of three solution packages about methodology for sustainable urban
renovation at district level, monitoring platforms and low temperature district heating systems for residential buildings
Business models – Álvaro Espeso and Inés Fernández, VEOLIA
Guidelines for business models in large retrofitting projects and presentation of New business model for energy efficiency renovations at district level
CITyFiED success stories – Marcello Bardellini, youris.com
An overview of the main CITyFiED inspiring stories from our community of cities and partners with a focus on the three pillar of community building, engagement and acceptance. The whole stories are collected in the CITyFiED Best Practice Book, downloadable from the website.