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Last places in CITyFiED Community of Interest now available

33 cities from 18 countries of a range of sizes have now joined the community of interested parties and preparing themselves to receive privileged access to the CITyFiED project experiences and results – meaning there are only a few places left.

If you are a town, city or municipality looking to navigate the complex systems of Smart Cities and find the most efficient route to achieving near zero energy districts, CITyFiED is a low-investment, high-impact formula designed to help you achieve your energy goals delivered via a small selection of distance webinars & communications tools.

  • Direct access to innovative, tested and cost effective methodologies and procedures for planning, deploying and replicating energy efficient district retrofitting actions, heating solutions and integrated electricity generation
  • Membership of this high-level group will also ensure exposure to an array of soft skills – exchanges of experience, project partnerships, finance and legal frameworks to enable more confident, cost effective and time sensitive decision-making

Deadline: November 2015

To assure one of the remain places, interested parties should contact


Hear why Budapest, Brussels, Tartu, San Sebastian, or Värmdö amongst others made the decision to join the CITyFiED community