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Community of Interest

News from the CITyFiED Community of Interest

In late October 2014, CITyFiED opened its doors to a third layer of towns, cities and municipalities of all sizes to become an official part of the project. The premise? 

Navigate the complex systems smart cities and find the most efficient solutions, partnerships, results and experiences to achieving near zero energy districts un-earthed by the project.

A select group of 40 cities and leading associations are now forming to join the Community of Interest and work with the demo sites, city cluster and project work in a low-investment, high-impact formula using online learning and exchanges designed to facilitate achieving their energy goals.

We are delighted to announce the following recent additions to the community:

  • Zabrze, Poland: a dynamic Polish city with strong scientific and research skills and significant projects underway for a multi-fuel CHP plant and sustainable housing districts
  • San Sebastian, Spain:  European Capital of Culture 2016  designate and home to a host of renewable and sustainable energy plans that complement its smart urban development
  • Sakarya, Turkey: a fast growing city of nearly a million inhabitants exploring a raft of energy measures and electricity production sources, from biomass to solar and wind
  • Palencia, Spain: already recognized as the greenest city, per square meter and inhabitant in Spain, Palencia will incorporate CITyFiED developments as part of their smart cities action plans
  • Ludwigsburg, Germany: part of one of the most urbanized regions in Europe with strong economic backbone, a high quality of life and in-migration seeking to cement on going municipal energy and climate protection concepts
  • Leicester, UK: the EnergyCities vice present city has embraced a variety of strategic initiatives to reduce the City’s carbon emissions by 50% by 2025 – including an extensive district energy plan, intelligent metering and climate change adaptation plan as pillars to their efforts
  • Maltepe, Turkey: one of the oldest municipalities in Istanbul and a substantial district in its own right, is pioneering citizen and public engagement in redesigning its energy future


A full profile of each of the new Community of Interest members, including relevant current initiatives, projects and contact persons is available in the online CITy Smart space – home to a dedicated set of resources for CITyFiED members.

If you know of a partner city that could benefit from joining the community, please contact