The CITyFiED project was coordinated by Fundación CARTIF (Boecillo-Valladolid) and the whole consortium is represented by 21 partners across 5 different European Countries

Four municipalities were involved as partners, LAGUNA DE DUERO (Spain), LUND (Sweden) and SOMA and MANISA (TURKEY). This reflects a clear orientation of the project towards a SMART CITES and COMMUNITIES project.
Five research institutions were involved: Fundación CARTIF, project coordinator, holds an established reputation in coordinating similar FP7 and H2020 projects; IVL, the Swedish Environmental Institute, is a research centre with skills on energy efficient buildings, energy systems and environmental and sustainability evaluation. TUBITAK-MAM holds expertise in designing and optimizing district heating networks and in smart grid architectures implementation. ITU, the Technical University of Istanbul, brings expertise in the development of strategies for energy efficient building design and energy performance modelling on buildings at district level. TECNALIA holds wide experience in projects dealing with ICT, smart grids, electric and thermal energy solutions and energy efficiency in buildings.
Ten industrial partners bring knowledge and expertise for the market deployment of the CITyFiED results. These include large companies, such as ACCIONA Engineering (consultancy and engineering firm), VEOLIA (energy company), LKF (housing company), KRAFTRINGEN (energy company), SEAS (thermal plant owner), but also SMEs, including MONDRAGON Corporation (technology provider group of ICTs and innovative energy equipment), 3IA (industrial engineers and architects specialists), MIR AR-Ge (consultancy and engineering firm) DEMIR ENERGI (project management and consultancy services ) and REENGEN (technology provider of ICTs).
The consortium is completed by STEINBEIS 2i GmbH, who is dedicated to ensure the replicability of the results through the deployment of a tailored market plan and by YOURIS.COM, leader in the dissemination and communication of the leading-edge European innovation via TV media and the web.