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Reengen is the developer of Provolta Energy Operating System that utilizes IoT (Internet of Things) and big data analytics to optimize HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning) operations of commercial buildings on cloud

Provolta increases energy saving by providing real-time energy & condition monitoring; improves asset performance by optimization and predictive maintenance of HVAC equipment. Reengen’s data science centric technology employs machine learning algorithms and a physics-based modeling of connected equipment and buildings. 

We provide our customers and partners with advanced data analytics & value added services for operational efficiency optimization, CapEx optimization, and energy performance improvement. 

For commercial buildings, Provolta is seamlessly scalable cloud-based Building Energy Operating System that provides actionable intelligence and continuous optimization. Provolta is a best-in-class solution that improves energy performance with continuous saving up to 30%.



Mr. Burak SEFER - Co-Founder / CEO