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TECNALIA Research & Innovation is the first private applied research centre in Spain and one of the most important in Europe. 

We get ahead of future challenges by turning technology-based business opportunities into competitive advantage to transform knowledge into GPD, to improve people’s quality of life by generating business opportunities for companies. At TECNALIA we are organised in 7 fully interconnected Business Divisions: Sustainable Construction, Energy and Environment, ICT-European Software Institute, Industry and Transport, Innovation Strategies, Health, Technological Services. We are more than 1,400 people on staff (including 192 doctors), along 22 headquarters, identifying and developing comprehensive technological solutions with creativity and imagination, for 4,049 clients. TECNALIA is taking part in 264 approved FP7 European Projects, leading 64 of them. TECNALIA has 93 patents in the pipeline and has promoted 28 New Technology-Based Companies.

TECNALIA – Energy and Environment turns energy and environmental challenges into BUSINESS opportunities. We devote our R&D to the development of technologies, products and tools for a rational and sustainable use of energy focusing on clean generation sources and future energy carriers. We face environmental challenges of the industry and the society, developing supporting tools and specific solutions for specific problems. We work on the fields of wind energy, solar energy, marine energy, bioenergy and bio-refinery, smart grids, energy storage, energy efficiency, materials for energy and environment, sustainable mobility and electrical vehicle, power electronics, resource and waste valorization, water cycle; and urban and territorial sustainability.



Mr. Sergio Saiz Bombín