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CITyFiED Model for selection of energy retrofitting strategies at district level

Assessing energy efficiency and renovation scenarios at district level: a simple framework for success

CITyFiED has developed a simple framework to assess and select energy efficient measures on buildings to be included in existing or new renovation strategies for selected city districts. The framework covers a quantitative analysis of the current energy demand and supply, and potential technical energy saving measures by use of an energy model in a district approach. The framework also includes qualitative systemic methods to investigate non-technological barriers and collect the feedback of key stakeholders on the types of business models used for regular or energy retrofitting. All this together forms the “CITyFiED model for selection of energy retrofitting strategies at district level”, targeted at all stakeholders of the building renovation sector.

Looking for a simple decision support framework to develop and select energy renovation strategies at district level? 

Download the Infopack on CITyFiED Replication Model!


For more information, please check the initial “Report of model for evaluation of potential” (D1.4), as well as the "Preliminary report of potential for replication in 10 city districts" (D1.5) using the CITyFiED approach, both available here.

Announcement: Further information about when, where and how to deploy the CITyFiED energy retrofitting model will be provided in the form of a handbook containing user guidelines and a refined model for selection of energy retrofitting strategies at district level, to be released in the end of 2018.